1. When do entries open for the 2025 awards?
  • Entries will open in May 2025
2. What is the entry deadline?
  • Entry deadline July 2025
3. What are the Entry fees for 2025?

2025 entry fees: Prices Ex VAT

R2,100 per entry per category - for all entries submitted into the Corporate Categories, Agency Categories, and Online Media and Tools Categories.

R2,300 per entry per category - for all entries submitted to our Black Onyx Award Categories - To stand a chance of winning one of our coveted Black Onyx Awards, you are required to enter these categories.

R900.00 - Student Rate per entry - Rate applies to Individual and Group submissions.

Once entries have been received our accounts department will issue you with an invoice. Full payment for all entry submissions is required before the judging begins.

If you plan to submit entries in multiple categories, we recommend that you also submit your work and clients for consideration in the Black Onyx Award Categories. These categories include Agency of the Year, Digital Brand of the Year, Online Strategy of the Year, and Overall Social & Digital Corporate of the Year Award. These categories are judged separately by a dedicated panel, taking into account all entries across other categories. It's important to note that you cannot win a Black Onyx Award unless you have submitted entries in these specific categories.

Payment Method eft - We do not accept Credit Card payments.

NO REFUNDS: Under no circumstances ‘will refunds for any fees or costs, relating to entries, seats, or sponsorships into the New Gen Awards, be issued to entrants/clients.

4. What is the window period for work that I can submit?
  • Entries will be considered for work that has been commercially launched in South Africa between May 1st, 2024, and June 13th, 2025.
  • Should you be working on a campaign that is due to go live before July 2025, and you wish to enter this campaign, we will accept it; provided the relevant results and stats are supplied to support the campaign, before the judging begins on 01 August.
5. Who can enter the New Generation Social & Digital Media Awards?
  • Entries are open to all South African corporate companies, media, advertising and creative agencies, public entities, marketing individuals, creatives, developers, web designers, bloggers/vloggers, Influencers, podcasters & community engagement managers from across all industries. Registered students can also enter the student awards.
  • If you think you have a winning marketing campaign, designed a new website, developed a new App 'that's innovative and a cut above the rest or maybe you are an outstanding individual or Influencer within your organisation, then these are the awards to enter!
  • Small, Medium, and large enterprises, are all welcome
  • If you are a corporate company and do not have an agency that helps with your marketing, you are welcome to enter your internal marketing campaigns, apps, or websites & key individual performers directly, from within your company.
6. Can I submit a campaign in 2025 that was previously submitted in 2024?

Yes, you can submit a previously entered campaign – just be sure to show any significant changes in the results, reach and coverage that indicates why the entry is different this year.

7. Can I enter the same campaign into more than one category?
  • Yes, you can enter the same campaign for more than one category
  • If you intend to enter a campaign into multiple categories you may use one entry form, provided that you clearly list the different categories 'that you are entering that campaign into. (you can list the categories on the entry form and highlight them)
  • Be sure to show a reason as to why that campaign is relevant for each of the categories you wish to enter
  • Show measurable results, and provide a motivation; highlight specific results within that campaign that may differ from category to category
  • Give the judges a comparison against which to measure the campaign, something that makes the entry stand out across the various categories into which it is entered
  • It’s not just a case of copying and pasting the same information across multiple categories. Give it some thought!
  • Please note; some categories have different judging criteria, which is listed at the bottom of the entry forms.
8. When will the 2025 finalists be announced?

The 2025 finalists will be announced at the beginning of September, across social media and through various media releases.

9. When and where will the 2025 winners be announced?

The 2025 Awards Gala Ceremony will be held in September, venue TBC

10. What is the cost to attend the 2025 Awards Gala Ceremony?

2025 FEES TBC...

11. Where can I view the previous winners?

Please visit our Winners page for past winners.

12. Who are the 2025 judges?

Please visit our Judges and News Page for updates

13. What is the judging process?

· Once all the entries have been received, they are divided equally among the judging panel.

· Each judge is responsible for marking a certain number of entries and categories.

· Each entry is marked by a minimum of four judges, which helps to create a fairer weighting across all categories and entries.

· A separate panel of 10 judges marks the Main Award Categories. These judges have access to all submissions entered across all categories, which they consider when judging and scoring the main award entries.

· Each entry is marked according to strict criteria, which varies from category to category. Please refer to the bottom of your entry forms for more criteria.

The main six-point criteria that judges mark all work against are as follows:

1. Strategy

2. Coverage/Reach/Engagement

3. Results

4. Content

5. Creativity

6. Innovation

· Judges will also consider additional criteria tailored for specific categories as highlighted on the entry forms.

· Each criterion has a different score value.

· Once the judging is completed, the scores given to each entry are tallied up out of a possible 100 points.

· To become a finalist, entrants must score a minimum of 65 points.

· Over and above the finalist benchmark, there are two additional benchmarks in place.

· The highest scoring entry within these two benchmarks determines who wins the Gold, Silver, and Bronze Awards.

If any of our Judges choose to enter work into the awards, they will not mark any of the categories that they or their clients have entered into, as with previous years' judging.

14. Is there a reduced entry fee for the Students Award Category?

YES - R950, 00 per entry for all Student Entries.

15. Will student entries be judged against the agency and corporate entries submitted?
  • Student entries will be judged separately against all other student entries from across the continent
  • All student work should be submitted by the school, university or college representitives rather than individual students submitting their work directly.
16. How do I enter?
  • Click - the View Categories tab.
  • Complete and submit the login form to view the full list of categories.
  • Select the sub-category or categories you wish to enter and read the category description.
  • Each category contains an entry form (word doc) which you will be asked to download and complete.
  • Different categories have different entry forms, and the entry criteria may differ between categories. (If you wish to enter the same campaign into multiple categories, you may use one entry form. Just be sure to highlight the specific parts within the entry form, that apply to each category being entered. This makes it easier for the judges to access the submissions.
  • The Main Award Categories and Individual Awards have different entry forms, which require more motivational content to support your entry.
  • Complete the requirements, attaching any applicable links, videos, creatives, and case studies, that can help support your entry.
  • Once you have completed your entry/entries, they can be emailed to stephen@newgenawards.co.za
  • All large files, case studies, and videos can be sent via WeTransfer or Google Docs.
  • Check this FAQ page for more tips on entering.
  • Remember to read the important judges' tips and the criteria at the bottom of each entry form.
17. How do I become a sponsor in 2025?

Various sponsorship packages for the 2025 awards are available: Our sponsorship fees are highly competitive!

They include; Category Sponsorships, Brand Sponsorships, and Bronze, Silver, and Gold Sponsorships. We also have the Platinum Headline Naming Sponsorship, which includes naming rights to the awards. Go big or go home!

To find out more please email stephen@newgenawards.co.za

Need additional help! Reach out to us - stephen@newgenawards.co.za.